Press Release: Animal Services Reminds Public to Keep Pets Safe During Cold Spells

Animal Services Reminds Public to Keep Pets Safe During Cold Spells


EL PASO, Texas – As temperatures continue to drop, El Paso Animal Services reminds pet owners to keep pets safe and comfortable during the cold and provides several tips. 

“Animal Services has received many calls on pets that have been left outside in freezing temperatures,” said El Paso Animal Services Director Terry Kebschull. “Winter means low temperatures will be a common concern, so it is important to have our furry friends in mind by keeping them safe from the cold – remember, if you’re cold, your pets are, too.” 

Animal Services want to make sure our four-legged family members stay safe and warm by following these simple guidelines: 

Provide a warm place to sleep and rest:  

Bring your pets indoors at nighttime, such as in a garage or laundry room. When they are outdoors, make sure they have proper shelter with four walls and a roof, facing away from any drafts. Provide dry blankets and rotate them often to ensure they are dry.  

Recognize that some pets may need extra protection:  

Some pets need more protection from extreme temperatures such as senior pets, puppies, and dogs with shorter coats. Limit their time away from their shelter by taking them on shorter outdoor walks. Consider putting pets in a sweater or pet socks/shoes.  

Clean up vehicle spills:  

Many households are checking and filling their cars with antifreeze. This solution is deadly to pets and can result in serious kidney failure. Thoroughly clean spills from your vehicle and seek emergency treatment if you suspect your pet has ingested antifreeze. 

Tap your car hood:  

Community cats tend to seek warmth from the engine compartment, with many sleeping under car hoods. Prevent an accident by knocking the top of your hood or honk your horn before starting your vehicle.  

Keep wildlife away:  

Some wildlife, like coyotes, remain active during the winter. With food being scarce in the cold months, coyotes and other wildlife will often wander neighborhoods in search for food. Pick up pet bowls with food and water as these can attract wildlife in yards. 

To learn more about Animal Services, visit   


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