Pet El Paso Animal Services Highlights Responsible Pet Ownership Month

EL PASO, Texas— September is Responsible Pet Ownership Month, and El Paso Animal Services is calling on pet owners to celebrate by making their pets’ health and safety a top priority. Whether it’s spaying and neutering, updating microchips, or ensuring annual vaccinations, this month is all about promoting responsible care for our furry family members.

Spay and Neuter: Reducing pet overpopulation starts with spaying and neutering your pets. This essential procedure not only helps control the number of homeless animals in our community, but also promotes better health and behavior for your pet.

Up-to-Date Microchips and ID Tags: Microchipping your pet is one of the most reliable ways to ensure they can be returned to you if lost. But don’t forget to keep your information current! A microchip paired with a secure ID tag provides double protection.

Annual Vaccinations: Keep your pets safe from diseases like rabies, parvo, distemper, and feline viruses by staying up to date on vaccines. Regular vet visits protect their health and help prevent the spread of illness to other pets.

Make Adoption Your Only Option: Thinking about adding a new member to your family? Adopt from a shelter or rescue! By making adoption your only option, you’re helping combat the pet overpopulation crisis and giving a deserving animal a forever home. Adopted pets also come spayed or neutered, microchipped, and with their age appropriate vaccinations.

“Being a responsible pet owner means ensuring your pet is healthy, safe, and loved, and this September is a great reminder to take those extra steps,” said Terry Kebschull, Director of El Paso Animal Services.

For more tips on how to be a responsible pet owner or to adopt a pet, visit


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