This week is National Pet Poison Prevention Week and El Paso Animal Services joined KTSM 9 News on Mutt Monday to educate pet owners on the substances they can find in their homes that are toxic to their cats and dogs:

  • There are many common household items, such as chocolate, cleaning products, antifreeze, human medications, and even plants that can be poisonous to your pets so it’s important to keep these items locked up and out of reach.
  • Dogs are more likely than cats to ingest household pet poisons since they are natural scavengers and often have a habit of going through the garbage looking for food or items to play with. That doesn’t mean your cat, or any pet, for that matter, can be trusted around toxic materials. You never know what could happen!
  • You should watch out for a few signs in your pets if you feel that your dog or cat has gotten into something toxic such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, difficulty breathing, seizures, and changes in behavior.
  • If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, it’s best to get your pet to a vet immediately for diagnosis and treatment or call the Pet Poison Hotline for help.

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