El Paso Animal Services wishes to recognize Ricardo Padilla as the April 2020 Employee of the Month. As a supervisor,...
What’s Happening
Can’t get enough of our furry friends?
Follow our life-saving journey by catching the latest news and events happening
at the shelter. Plus, check out our blog for nifty pet tips and resources!
Make a Plan for Your Pet
These are challenging and uncertain times, which is why as pet parents, we need to be prepared. Hopefully this post...
Employee of the Month: Ashley Herrera
El Paso Animal Services wishes to recognize Ms. Ashley Herrera-Animal Care Attendant as the March 2020 Employee of the Month....
How to ADOPT during COVID-19
The El Paso Animal Services facilities may be closed to the public in order to keep our community and staff...
Why Our Shelter Is Closed…COVID-19 Response
El Paso Animal Services facilities have been closed to the public since March 19 as part of the City of...
Employee of the Month: Catherine F.
El Paso Animal Services wishes to recognize Ms. Catherine Franco-Animal Protection Officer as the February 2020 Employee of the Month....
EPAS COVID-19 Información
Estaremos actualizando esta página a medida que la situación progrese y se hagan mas cambios a los programas y servicios....
As the COVID-19 situation is evolving rapidly nationwide, we need your help to continue saving lives now more than ever....
Press Release: Animal Services Takes Stand to “Stop the Kit-napping”
El Paso Animal Services is rolling out a new education campaign this kitten season, all in an effort to save...
Employee of the Month: Ashley H.
El Paso Animal Services wishes to recognize Ms. Ashley Herrera-Animal Protection Officer as the January 2020 Employee of the Month....
Press Release: Neuter Your Pet for Free, Vouchers Available for March Surgery Dates
El Paso Animal Services is making it easier for pet owners to neuter their pets by offering free services to...